| 1. | The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 不曾通航的西北航道可能在北极显现出来。
| 2. | The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 从来都让人难以琢磨的西北航道可能将在显现在北极。
| 3. | The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 曾经令人困惑的西北航道在北极现身了/揭开了它的神秘面纱。
| 4. | The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 在任何时候都难以捉摸的西北航路在北极圈都有它自己的作用。
| 5. | The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 这个从来都踪影难觅的西北航道或许正在北冰洋揭开它神秘的面纱。
| 6. | The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic 位于北极圈内曾令人难以捉摸的西北航道的可能终于揭开自己的神秘面纱。
| 7. | It has also reawakened an old debate over who owns the northwest passage sea route 气候变化同样重提到一个旧日的争论:谁拥有西南通道的航线?